A great week; did some hand maintenance on Laggan Wolftrax trails, got two good long bike rides in - one road, one mtb, some office based pre-project stuff and a lovely visit to see how the Knoydart Trust trail is coming on.
On the down side, my bum is still a long way from being "at one" with my trusty old saddles - which were perfectly comfy before the winter, but 12 odd skiing weeks later are causing me untold grief. Flite saddles have been under me for 15 odd years now, so I doubt it's them, just my lack of saddle time - need to get some Assos MAL.... Oh and our carefully structured bedtime routine for our two young boys has slipped slightly, with the nice n easy "all quiet by 7.30" replaced by "aaaaaaaaagh" til nearly 9 some nights - bang goes evening rides! Interesting things afoot, I'll let you know if they come come to fruition.


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